The base coating is another recycled product from work. Another part of the company I work for in cutting protective lens from plastic sheeting, Polycarbonate and PET-G. When cut on the saw, the resulting sawdust is a nice snowy white. Using E6000 epoxy, I glued the plastics sawdust to both sides of the metal, allowed to dry and then using spray adhesive I applied large flake glitter, regular glitter and then micro-fine glitter to the surface.
This is a piece of the mesh. I had one of the mechanist to shear the initial pieces into long wavy strips. I then used the grinding stone to take any sharped metal off.
I had other ornaments I needed to make for other commitments. Each year, I will do a "Pay It Forward" campaign on Facebook. People sign up and commit to also "pay it forward" in that sometime in the year, you will make something hand-made and send to the person along with a handwritten note. This year, the people will receive miniature Christmas ornaments made from glass teardrops, rhinestone rondelles, bead caps, metal beads, wire and Delica beads. I had 10 different colors of the rondelles: Clear AB, Red, Lime Green, Emerald Green, Aqua Blue, Medium Blue, Sapphire Blue, Purple, Root Beer and Smoke Topaz.
There was another 'contest' on my Facebook page to identify the person dressed in the Santa outfit. The image came from the up coming movie "I Am Santa Claus" which stars WWE wrestler Mick Foley. The person who correctly identified him will be receiving the four dangles pictured below.
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