Tuesday, March 29, 2016

First design - Egg

The first design for the Plastic Canvas ornament book.  Using plastic canvas pieces, I constructed an egg frame which I stitched in white with a pink trim.  I added the pink teardrop acrylic sew-on rhinestones for a little bling.  Later I added a bead chain hanging from the middle inside the shape for a little more bling (no photo taken).  Since this was the first, I continued to need to make some modifications while working.  Most of the issues came when I was working on the top point of the egg.  Didn’t want to have it too pointed nor too rounded.  Have changed the connector in the area on my second attempt.

Some of the stitches were worked in tight areas and I felt very much like my logo design of a bear trying to thread the eye of a needle.

The thing is, I created this logo in 1999 and it has stuck, but never so close to how I felt on some of the stitching.  Working on the second egg now, taking the lessons I learned from the first such a baste stitch the components together.  On the first egg, I used a quilting thread to join the various components together but when I was stitching them with the yarn, I didn't like the way the yarn looked when it was stitched beside the thread.  In the second egg as I filling them in, I am removing the basting stitches and the yarn is laying down better.  Another area of dis-satisfaction was the connector at the 'top' of the egg.  After re-designing the connector, the attachments are easier to join together.  Still not complete happy but am more satisfied.

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