Monday, July 8, 2013

Update 2013/07/08

Have had to work on other items recently and not had a chance to create any ornaments, but that hasn’t stopped my brain from imagining.  Was up until the wee hours of the morning doing “What if I did this?” and the “I wonder if this would work?”  Which is usually how it works but when the first alarm goes off at 5am, it makes for a long morning.

During the ‘vacation’/holiday I did purchase several items for not only miniatures but also full sized ornaments.  I also have been looking at a couple of sites which I want to try and incorporate their techniques into my Christmas ornaments, but those will be a couple years away.  The next ornament will be for friends who got married several months ago.  They are expecting their first-born sometime this month and I have two gifts for them.  The first are two 6mm square cut rubies, the second will be a light blue ornament with ‘2013' date tag. 

My god-daughter still hasn’t decided which ornament she wants to do for her Senior Project.  She told me she wanted to do hand-made ornaments but didn’t think there was enough information for her literature review.  I chuckled and told her I had more than enough information and reference books to satisfy her teacher.  I’m trying to get her interested in the Cracker Box ornament kits for several reasons.  The first being that I can hopefully help her long-distance when she has questions, so she can work on it when I’m not in North Carolina.  The second reason, I have always wanted to do them since I first found out about them in the late 70s.  I thought I would let her pick an ornament and then, I would order 2 so that both of us do them on different colored balls.  I told her that if she liked doing them, I would buy her a couple more.  She has told me she wants to learn to make some of my ornaments and while I am flattered, I think she may just want to be able to raid my ornaments and pass them off as her own work.  In the past, when I have helped her on school projects, she would take my beginning of the work and then turn it in, receive a good grade and then fail to complete the assignment.  I have told her that she HAS to do the work, I would help her, but I wouldn’t do it for her.  Six years ago I helped her older brother with his senior project, but he did do 98% of the work.  His project was Gem-Stone faceting and I would start the tier and let him finish.  He was a quick study and he picked-up the operations fairly quickly.  Only when a new procedure such as transferring and re-aligning the stone from working on the bottom to beginning to work on the crown was help required.

I purchased the Cracker Box catalogue and on my last visit to NC told her to look through it to find a simple one.  Everyone she looked at, I felt daunted at the complexity, thinking I would find it challenging and completely overwhelming for a 17 year-old who has never done anything like them.  I may go ahead and order a couple so that when I go to NC later this summer I can give her an ornament to work on (and I can go ahead and order a couple for me).

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